pyzwave.application module

class pyzwave.application.Application(adapter: pyzwave.adapter.Adapter, storage: pyzwave.persistantstorage.PersistantStorage)

Bases: pyzwave.util.Listenable

Base class for managing the Z-Wave system

async loadEndPointNode(node: pyzwave.node.Node, endpoint: int)

Load an endpoint for a node

async loadNode(nodeId: int) → list

Load a node

async messageReceived(_sender, rootNodeId: int, endPoint: int, message: pyzwave.message.Message, flags: pyzwave.commandclass.Zip.HeaderExtension)

Called when a message is received from a node

async nodeListUpdated(_sender)

Called when the node list has been updated

property nodes

All nodes in the network

async onMessageReceived(_speaker: Any, msg: pyzwave.message.Message) → bool

Listener method from the adapter for any unhandled messages

setNodeInfo(generic, specific, cmdClasses)

Set the application NIF (Node Information Frame)

async shutdown()

Shut down the application gracefully

async startup()

Start and initialize the application and the adapter