pyzwave.persistantstorage module

class pyzwave.persistantstorage.PersistantStorage

Bases: object

Base class for implementing persistant storage for nodes

nodeAdded(application, node: pyzwave.node.Node)

Called when a new node has been added and/or loaded

nodeUpdated(node: pyzwave.node.Node)

Called then the settings for a node or one of it’s command classes has been updated

class pyzwave.persistantstorage.YamlStorage(path)

Bases: pyzwave.persistantstorage.PersistantStorage

Store persistant settings as yaml files

static cmdClassRepresenter(cmdClass: pyzwave.commandclass.CommandClass.CommandClass)

Wrapper method for converting to YAML format

nodeAdded(application, node: pyzwave.node.Node)

Called when a new node has been added and/or loaded

nodeUpdated(node: pyzwave.node.Node)

Called then the settings for a node or one of it’s command classes has been updated

property path

The path to store the yaml files

pathForNode(nodeId: int) → pathlib.Path

Returns the path for settings for a node