pyzwave.util module

class pyzwave.util.AttributesMixin

Bases: object

Inheritable class to implement defined attributes

attributeUpdated(name, newValue, oldValue)

Called if an attribute value was updated

attributes = ()

Convert all attributes in this object to a human readable string used for debug output.

parseAttributes(stream: pyzwave.types.BitStreamReader)

Populate the attributes from a raw bitstream.

class pyzwave.util.Listenable

Bases: object

Inheritable class to implement listaner interface between classes


Add class as listener for messages

async ask(message, *args) → list

Send message to listeners and wait for the listeners to respond. This a shorthand for awaiting thre result from speak()

speak(message, *args) → list

Send message to listeners. Returns a list of futures if the listeners are async. This can be used to allow waiting for all listeners to finish before continue.

class pyzwave.util.MessageWaiter

Bases: object

Inheritable class to implement listening for specific messages


Setup the session to wait for _before_ doing the wait. Do this to avoid a race condition where the message is received before we wait for it

messageReceived(message) → bool

Called when a message is received directed to this node

async waitForMessage(msgType, timeout: int = 3, session=None)

Async method for waiting for a specific message to arrive from the node.