pyzwave.commandclass.CommandClass module

class pyzwave.commandclass.CommandClass.Attribute

Bases: object

An attribute

class pyzwave.commandclass.CommandClass.CommandClass

Bases: pyzwave.util.AttributesMixin, pyzwave.util.Listenable

Base class for a command class

async handleMessage(message: pyzwave.message.Message, flags) → bool

Handle and incomming message specific to this command class

property id

Return the command class id

async interview() → bool

Interview this command class. Must be implemented by subclasses. The version has already been interviewed when this method is called.

Return True if the interview was completed successfully and False or raise an exception if the interview did not complete.

property interviewed

Return is this command class has been fully interviewed or not

static load(cmdClass: int, securityS0: bool, node)

Load and create a new command class instance from the given command class id

property name

Return the name of the command class

property node

Returns the node this command class belongs to

async requestVersion() → int

Request the version of this command class

property securityS0

Returns if security class S0 is required to access this command class

async send(cmd: pyzwave.message.Message, timeout: int = 3) → bool

Send a message to the node. This is a convenience wrapper around Node.send.

async sendAndReceive(cmd: pyzwave.message.Message, waitFor: pyzwave.message.Message, timeout: int = 3, **kwargs) → pyzwave.message.Message

Send a message and wait for the response. This is a convenience wrapper around Node.sendAndReceive

property version

Returns the command class version implemented by the node

class pyzwave.commandclass.CommandClass.DictAttribute

Bases: pyzwave.commandclass.CommandClass.Attribute, pyzwave.util.AttributesMixin

A dict attribute

class pyzwave.commandclass.CommandClass.UnknownCommandClass

Bases: pyzwave.commandclass.CommandClass.CommandClass

Wrapper class for wrapping unknown command classes.

property id

Return the command class id

property name

Return the name of the command class

pyzwave.commandclass.CommandClass.VarDictAttribute(KeyType, ValueType)

Helper class to store variable attributes as a dictionary. All values must be of the same type


Decorator to make sure the command class is ready for interview