pyzwave.message module

class pyzwave.message.Message

Bases: pyzwave.util.AttributesMixin

Base class for all Z-Wave messages. This class should not be initiated manually

NAME = None
cmdClass() → int

Return the command class id for this message

compose() → bytes

Convert the message to a bytearray ready to be sent over the wire

classmethod decode(pkt: bytearray)

Decode a raw bytearray into a Message object

static deserialize(stream: pyzwave.types.BitStreamReader)

Deserialize a bitstream into a Message object

classmethod hid()

Return the command class id and command id as a single word for easier lookup

serialize(stream: pyzwave.types.BitStreamWriter)

Write the message as binary into the bitstream. See compose()

class pyzwave.message.UnknownMessage

Bases: pyzwave.message.Message

Wrapper class for wrapping unknown messages. Using this class we still know which command class and command this message is (but we don’t know how to decode it)


Return the command class id and command id as a single word for easier lookup